The aj series pure sine wave inverters convert battery voltage into highquality 230/120Vac which can be used for all electrical appliances. Designed to meet industrial and domestic needs, the aj is the optimal solution for standalone applications fulfilling the highest requirements in terms of comfort, safety and reliability. Manufactured in Switzerland with a 10-year warranty and delivered with AC- and battery cables, the aj it is a true “plug and forget solution”.



Outstanding overload capabilities

Battery lifetime optimization (B.L.O.) function

Plug&Play, suplied with battery and AC cables

plug and play


version s

Integrated solar charger

aj option version 01

version 01

AC out 120Vac & 60Hz

aj option version 02

version 02

AC out 120Vac & 50Hz

aj option version 03

version 03

AC out 220Vac & 60Hz

aj option rcm 01

version RCM01

Start up when contact closed

aj option rcm 02

version RCM02

Start up when voltage present

aj option rcm 03

version RCM03

Start up when contact open

Technical data


aj 500-700